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Tania carrying a single in for a wash. Tom and Helen--"Hmm... We probably can't get the launches inside. Oh, well..."
Washing a heavyweight double, I remember the days when I HAD to row in it. Pete also enjoyed washing the aforemention double. Dave is just hanging out, waiting for the sweep men.
And hey, we even used sponges this time. Kate helps Tania take the boat back out of the "boat wash"
Chris Schultz is definitely a heavyweight Helen--"John, you fool, everyone's here for the coffee and the food!"
Heather is here to wash boats, though. Marika is here only for the food.
Meanwhile, upstairs, there was some lactic acid testing going on. Or at least I hope
that's what they are doing.
Looks like the lactic acid test went pretty well for Marie and Miranda.
Or, maybe they haven't gone yet. The sweep men have gathered for the washing.

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