As Riverside members prepare to race, Igor manages to take a picture with everyone facing away from the camera. Bryna McConarty(bow) and Liane Malcos(stroke) launch for the women's open double. They would go on to win the race.
The bright orange riggers on that resolute had to be captured for posterity. I am about to get into my (well, Riverside's) shell.
I look absolutely thrilled to be here. I was happier later, when I found out that I finished second I look back to make sure I don't get run over as I cross the race course to the far shore.
Jeff Schafer is chasing someone down. That eight is not being as careful as I was. Then again, they are much bigger.
Eugene and Niell Elvin are waiting in line to launch for their race in the open double. Niell posses for the camera
Looking a bit wetter after the race Racing. After missing a bridge arch and the a buoy at the finish, my boys managed a minute and thirty seconds in penalties. Eugene to Niell, after the race--"Thank goodness I wasn't rowing with Igor. He would have killed me." I concur, and I am glad that Eugene is still with us.
The mighty Riverside quad launches for the Championship Quad. (Kevin McDonnell, Sean Wolf, me, and Rob White in bow). We push off..
The Riverside Champ Eight gets ready to launch. Sean Wynne, Rob Zechman, Pat Godfrey, Tim Vogels, Niell Elvin, Charlie Burkmeyer, Tim Godfrey, Jon Douglas, and Claudia Pena-Crossland.
Showing off the fruits of my labor. blue ribbon--quad, red ribbon-single.